4th New Forest North (Eling) Sea Scouts

Registered Charity No: 302268

"Pegasus" moored at The Aquativity Centre

"Pegasus" moored at The Aquativity Centre

Wednesday 12 June 2013

The last push

With 11 days to go until the official opening, there are still lots of smaller jobs to do.  All of a sudden, what previously seemed to be "oh, plenty of time to get that done, it is only a little job" turns into "wow, what a lot of little jobs we need to get done in such a short time".

Working parties continue to eat into this list of "little jobs".  A team were out on the weekend laying a new lawn - see the Sea Scouts website for some pictures, followed by some watering on Monday and Tuesday evening, helped by a fair amount of rain yesterday.  Yesterday evening a few of us were pushing on with electrical fittings and the like - a few more lights and switches fitted, data cable trunking underway etc.  And this builds on a few other tasks that people have managed to complete over the last few days - painting stairs, painting boat store doors, finishing off kitchen cupboards, fitting shower and toilet partitions in the changing areas...

Still some electrics to finish and test, extractor systems to complete, doors to shave off now flooring has been fitted (and the warmer weather has expanded some wood), general tidying up, and plenty of other "little jobs".  More time allocated for this on Thursday evening, and over the coming weekend, so we can take stock at the start of next week and prepare the building for opening day.  Of course, we all know there will be further work beyond that, but we will be at the point of having a fully usable facility, and completion of residual tasks will start to merge into maintenance.

Very exciting times - we're all looking forward to a very big day on 23rd when we can finally look back on all the hard work and declare that we have reached the end of The Road to Aquativity.

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